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teem / unrrdu

  unu 2op

unu 2op: Binary operation on two nrrds, or on a nrrd and a constant. Either
the first or second operand can be a float, but not both. Use "-" for an
operand to signify a nrrd to be read from stdin (a pipe). Note, however, that
"-" can probably only be used once (reliably).

Usage: unu 2op <operator> <in1> <in2> [-t <type>] [-o <nout>]

<operator> = Binary operator. Possibilities include:
           o "+", "-", "x", "/": add, subtract, multiply, divide
           o "^": exponentiation
           o "%": integer modulo
           o "fmod": same as fmod() in C
           o "atan2": same as atan2() in C
           o "min", "max": minimum, maximum
           o "lt": 1 if 1st value less than 2nd value, otherwise 0
           o "comp": -1, 0, or 1 if 1st value is less than,equal to, or
             greater than 2nd value
     <in1> = First input. Can be float or nrrd.
     <in2> = Second input. Can be float or nrrd.
 -t <type> = type to convert all nrrd inputs to, prior to doing operation.
             This also determines output type. By default (not using this
             option), the types of the input nrrds are left unchanged.
 -o <nout> = output nrrd (string); default: "-"