(this is only a high-level description, see CHANGES.txt in
the individual library directories)

Changes from 1.5beta1 ----------------------------------------------

Many big changes.  Forgot to document them.

All TEEM_USABLE-related stuff nixed from GNUmakefiles.  Dumb idea.

Ray tracer "echo" resurrected, and ten now depends on it.

Changes from 1.5beta0 ----------------------------------------------

The complete HTML documentation is now in a seperate CVS tree, called
"teemdoc", because it was getting too big.

Added the "moss" library for image manipulation, and the command-line
"ilk" program for doing geometric transforms on images.

"gkms" has been hest-ified.

"unu save" can now take arguments controlling the compression
encodings: level and strategy.

Various "unu" commands' usage information expanded.

New measures have been added to gage's gageVec kind, enabling
multi-gradient measures in volumes of RGB, for instance.  These are
accessible from the "vprobe" binary as well.

The "usable" notion in the GNUmakefiles, described below, is still
broken, but the broken functionality is not invoked unless TEEM_USABLE
is set.  This hasn't been a problem.

Changes from 1.4 ---------------------------------------------------

The complete HTML documentation for teem is now included with the
distribution.  What is online at <http://www.cs.utah.edu/~gk/teem/>
is a snapshot of the web pages included in the CVS tree.

Makefiles have been completely rewritten, to avoid use of recursive
make, and to support the notion of a library being "usable": somewhere
between installed and in-development.  New makefile bits: "setenv
TEEM_DEST" to a directory with lib, bin, and include subdirectories,
and all the install teem stuff will be put there.  Creating megalibs
libteem.a and libteem.so is now part of doing a "make install" in the
top-level source directory.  Support for optional external libraries
(like zlib) is not handled in the makefiles; "setenv TEEM_ZLIB" turns
on compilation with zlib.

Along with TEEM_DIO, TEEM_ENDIAN, TEEM_QNANHIBIT, there is now also
TEEM_32BIT, which is 1 if 4 == sizeof(size_t) and 0 if 8 ==
sizeof(size_t).  Accordingly, there is also now AIR_32BIT which is
available simply by including air.h and linking against the air

Top-level Makefile now correctly handles "-j" option on recursive

mite: a new library, with "miter" program: simple scalar volume

nrrd: can now read and write 1D data from plain text files, known as
"tables", since previously the data read from plain text files was
strictly 2D.

nrrd: can now do irregular as well as regular univariate colormaps.
Can do gzip + gzip2 compression, and hex encoding.

gage: total re-write, so that now gageUpdate() does the padding
necessary based on query and kernels.  This makes using gage much much
simpler.  bane, mite, mrender, and qbert all cheer.

It is no longer the case that library can have their functions and
#defines use a shorter prefix.  hoovRender --> hooverRender, unuCmd
--> unrrduCmd.  No one is using these libraries besides teem, probably,
but at least now the policy is absolutely consistent.